Laravel Selectable

Effortlessly generate select input options from laravel collections. No configuration required.

Are you tired of manually creating select input options from Laravel collections? Look no further than Laravel Selectable! This powerful package simplifies the process of transforming your collections into select options, with ZERO configuration, saving you time and effort.

Package Features

Zero Configuration
Just install the package and start using it in your Laravel application.
Powerful method chaining
Use Laravel's fluent method chaining to easily create select options from collections.
Convention over configuration
The package is designed to be easy to use and configure, with a focus on convention over configuration.
Clean Code
Maintains clean and readable code within your Laravel applications.

Getting Started

Laravel Select Collection is designed to be simple and straightforward. With clear documentation and intuitive code, you'll be up and running in no time.

Laravel Selectable

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Laravel Selectable is a powerful package that simplifies the process of generating HTML select options from Laravel collections. With its flexible and intuitive syntax, you can easily create customized select options without the need for additional traits or class extensions.


  • Generate select options from Laravel collections with ease
  • Customize label and value fields using strings or closures
  • Specify selected and disabled options
  • Add data attributes and classes to options
  • Support for grouping options
  • Convert collections to an array of selectable items for AJAX responses or SPAs
  • Utilize the power Laravel's collections for more advanced filtering and sorting


You can install the package via composer:

composer require ringlesoft/laravel-selectable

No additional configuration is required.


1. Basic Usage

<select name="user_id">
    {!! \\App\\Model\\User::all()->toSelectOptions(); !!}}

This will generate a select dropdown with options for all users, using the name field as the label and the id field as the value.

<select name="user_id">
    <option value="{{$user->id}}">{{$user->name}}</option>

2. Inline Customization

<select name="user_id">
    {!! \\App\\Model\\User::all()->toSelectOptions('email', 'uuid', '6490132934f22'); !!}}

This will generate a select dropdown with options for all users, using the email field as the label and the uuid field as the value. The selected option will be the user with the uuid 6490132934f22.

<select name="user_id">
    <option value="{{$user->uuid}}" {{($user->uuid === '6490132934f22') ? 'selected' : '')}}>{{$user->email}}</option>

Method parameters

  • label: The name of the field to be used as the label for the option. If a closure is provided, the result of the closure will be used as the label. Default is name.
  • value: The name of the field to be used as the value for the option. If a closure is provided, the result of the closure will be used as the value. Default is id.
  • selected: The value of the item to be used as the selected option. Can be value, array of values or closure.
  • disabled: The value of the item to be used as the disabled option. Can be value, array of values or closure.

3. Advanced Usage

This package allows building of select options from a Selectable object using method chaining. The method toSelectable() is used to convert the collection into a Selectable object. The Selectable object has several methods that allow you to customize the options and their properties.

<select name="user_id" multiple="multiple">
    ->withLabel(fn($user) => "{$user->first_name} {$user->last_name}")
    ->withSelected([2, 3])
    ->withDisabled(fn($item) => $item->status = 'inactive')
    ->withDataAttribute('hidden', fn($item) => $item->status !== 'active')
    ->withClass('form-option custom')

This will generate a multi-select dropdown with options for all users, using the id field as the value, and a combination of the first_name and last_name fields as the label. Options with IDs 2 and 3 will be selected by default, and options with an 'inactive' status will be disabled. A 'data-hidden' attribute will be added to options with a status other than 'active', and a custom class 'form-option custom' will be applied to all options.

<select name="user_id" multiple="multiple">
    <option value="1" data-hidden="false" class="form-option custom">David Moore</option>
    <option value="2" data-hidden="false" class="form-option custom">John Doe</option>
    <option value="3" data-hidden="false" class="form-option custom">Jane Doe</option>
    <option value="4" data-hidden="true" class="form-option custom" disabled>Mark Manson</option>

Available methods

  • withLabel(string|callable $label): This method allows you to customize the label for each option. A string will be used as the collection field from which the label will be generated, while a callable will be used to generate the label.
  • withValue(string|callable $value): This method allows you to customize the value for each option. A string will be used as the collection field from which the value will be generated, while a callable will be used to generate the value.
  • withSelected(mixed|callable $selected): This method allows you to customize the selected options. Can be a string, int, an array of string/int, a model or a callable that returns a boolean value.
  • withDisabled(mixed|callable $disabled): This method allows you to customize the disabled options. Can be a string, int, an array of string/int, a model or a callable that returns a boolean value.
  • withDataAttribute(string $attribute, mixed|callable $value): This method allows you to add a data attribute to each option.
  • withClass(string $class): This method allows you to add a class to each option.
  • toSelectItems(): This method converts the selectable collection to an array of selectable items. Useful for Ajax responses or SPA.
  • toSelectOptions(): This method converts the selectable collection to an HTML select options string.
  • Some of the methods from Illuminate\Support\Collection are also available including groupBy().

Note: Writing queries within blade templates is not recommended. This is only for simplifying demonstration

Get Selectable Items

    $selectableItems = \App\Models\User::all()->toSelectable()->toSelectItems();

This will convert the collection of users into an array of selectable items, which can be useful for AJAX responses or Single Page Applications (SPAs).

Structure of Selectable Items

            'label' => 'User Name',
            'value' => 'user_id',
            'selected' => false,
            'disabled' => false,
            'dataAttributes' => ['hidden' => false],
            'classes' => ['form-option', 'custom'],


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Why Should you Use Laravel Selectable?

Boost Development Speed
Spend less time writing repetitive code and more time focusing on core functionalities.
Improved Code Maintainability
Keep your code clean and organized, making it easier to maintain and update in the future.
Enhanced Developer Experience
Streamline your development workflow with a user-friendly and intuitive package.

Get Started Today

Enhance your application with Laravel Selectable and enjoy a clean and intuitive way of populating select options.
Clean Code
Zero Configuration